EclipseXSLT - XSLT Support for Eclipse » Usage » Launch Configuration » XSLT Launch Configuration Dialog | ||
XSLT Launch Configuration Dialog | Export configuration |
The main tab contains to most used setting for a XSLT transformation.
After creating a new XSLT launch configuration the launch configuration is set to some predefined values.
The folowing settings can be configured in the main tab:
The project scope of the launch configuration.
The XML Source document.
The stylesheet to apply. The "Prefer embedded Stylesheet Processing Instruction" option can be checked to use the xsl stylesheet instructions of the source element.
When checked you can decide which kind of stylesheet informations should be used out of the XML source document.
What does it mean ?A XML document may define multiple stylesheets for different target media types. If you select all and your XML source document contains stylesheet references to multiple target media types then multiple resulting documents are the result.
If the "Prefer embedded Stylesheet Processing Instruction" option is not checked, you just select a stylesheet out of the stylesheet combo. The stylesheet combo contains all xsl stylesheets found in the project.
The base filename of the transformation result. That means that for media type text/html
the resulting filename will be [basefilename].html
and so on.
If the "Specifiy Target Base File Name" option is not checked the target base file name will be evaluated based on the source file.
Its a good practice to define the Target Base Filename manually because in some cases (for example by target media type text/xml) the automatic transformation result filename will be equal to the source filename - and your sourcfile will be overwritten.
The directory to output the resulting files.
If the "Use Source Directory as Target" option is checked, the transformation result will be written to the source directory.
Do yourself a favorite and always define a different target directory to separate XSLT source and transformation result documents.